One thing I know about myself is this: I DO NOT thrive on a deprivation diet. Tell me I CANNOT have pizza or dessert for THE REST OF MY LIFE, and my mind and body rebel. So, I chose the Mediterranean Diet, because it seemed to be the most do-able eating plan for me.

HOWEVER...and this is a pretty big however...

The bottom of the pyramid...the whole grains, bread, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds section...moved upward to somewhere between dairy, eggs, etc. and meats and sweets. And vegetables and fruits took over the biggest section at the base of the pyramid.

In other words, I'm doing a more plant-rich, nutrient dense, "lower carb" version of the Mediterranean Diet.

I've figured out, thanks to some YouTube videos (and a consultation with my physician), that I am insulin resistant. The tip off is the roller coaster blood sugar fluctuations when I eat a lot of carbs, and the abundance of stubborn belly fat around my mid-section. So, for me:

Eat too many carbs = lose weight REALLY slowly...or not at all.

Eat fewer carbs = weight goes down much faster, and blood sugar stabilizes. 

The key thing for me is, when I eat veggies and fruits, some meat and fish, and minimal carbs...and lay off of the processed junk food, fast food, and excessive sugar...I CAN EAT MORE...and still lose weight.

Of course, portion control is still a necessity, but honestly, I am eating very well, and feel remarkably satiated without loading up on the carbs.

This has worked for me, along with a fairly regular yoga routine in the morning, walking, and weights (just 5 lb. hand weights at home, twice a week). I'm considering joining a gym near my home later in the year when the weather starts getting colder. 

The most difficult thing has been eating out with other people. When everyone wants BBQ or hot fried chicken or pizza, it's hard to pass it up. And of course...dessert. However, I refuse to abandon my social life for the sake of an occasional lapse of self-control. I just do my best...and if I waiver and eat a brownie sundae...well, I give myself a break, enjoy it, and move on. 

So good! 👍


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