Hi, I'm Carol
the editor of Sunflower Salutation.

Let me begin by saying that, even though I am a septuagenarian, I don't really think about age that much. Age is just a number, and math is my least favorite subject.

I'm a wife, mom, grandma, and retired home furnishing boutique owner/interior designer, living in Olive Branch MS just outside of Memphis TN. Originally from Memphis, I've also lived in Nashville, Atlanta, Savannah, and Dallas. I have traveled extensively in the U.S., Europe, and the Caribbean, and enjoy exploring new places, trying different cuisines, meeting interesting people, and learning new things on a daily basis. I am a fine artist/art historian, a yoga practitioner since 1985, an avid reader, a foodie who enjoys cooking as well as dining out, and a coffee lover.   

And I am a writer. However, I'm not interested in writing about ways to look younger. No, I want to write about how to get more zest out of life. I don't care about strategically applying makeup to disguise wrinkles, or how to dress to hide flaws. I don't want to write about the latest cosmetic procedures, or how to feel sexy when you're standing next to a 20-year-old blond with perky boobs. I'm more interested in looking and feeling great from the inside out.

Because one thing I've learned is that good health and self-care become more important as we age! We can't get away with some of the bad habits of our youth. Things like too much junk food and desserts, partying every night, and not getting adequate sleep. We can still have tons of fun, but a certain amount of discipline is involved. Cosmetics can be a real boost, but let's face it; the latest wrinkle cream and fillers can only do so much! (Don't get me wrong. I definitely use health and beauty products, ie: moisturizers, night creams, body lotions, sunscreen, minimal makeup; and I will share those as we go along...)

But no amount of makeup, hair dye, or Botox can make you feel as alive as an interesting, well-balanced life, and an adventurous spirit. You don't have to race cars or jump out of airplanes; but pursuing a new interest, or mastering a new skill, or learning a second or third language, or learning to play a musical instrument; or taking a dance class (or a pole-dancing class!) or going on an epic road trip with a few of your BFF's...YES!! 

Some people think all of the fun is over after 70, but I'm just getting started! It's NEVER TOO LATE to enjoy the best years of your life!   

People often comment about my quirky spin on life. Metaphorically speaking, I try to jump off of a cliff every day. No guts, no glory. Because, like Helen Keller, I believe that life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.

xo Carol Stafford Stone


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