When I was a kid, I loved to draw. I liked to draw people, animals, houses, trees, and especially flowers. Once, on a rainy afternoon, I drew the scene on one of my grandmother's Blue Willow plates.

I think that was probably when my mom really noticed that I had artistic ability. She encouraged me to continue.

Eventually, I went to art school, and for many years I designed stained glass windows, and did commissioned oil paintings; however, when my career switched over to interior design, my creativity went into a different direction. 

Last year, while spending so much time sequestered during the worst part of the pandemic, I began drawing again; focusing on pen and ink botanicals.

My plan is to continue with the drawings, and expand into birds, insects, etc., and maybe start adding watercolor to some of them. And, at some point, I think I might like to try doing something on a larger scale. (these are all 11x14 inches). 

I feel like having a creative outlet, whether it's art, music, writing, cooking, gardening, etc. is essential to one's well-being. I know that, when I am working on a drawing, I get lost in the a good way. It becomes a form of meditation and quiet contemplation that is good for my soul.

Do you have a hobby or activity that stimulates your creativity and brings you joy?


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